Goto Energy

goto energy

UK supplier Goto Energy was started in 2019 by Nikki Goode who has an extensive background in the British energy industry as well as across Europe including time spent as Scottish Power and E.ON as an energy trader. It's quite reassuring to see someone who has such experience and knowledge of the industry starting a new business that wants to offer customers good long term energy deals, offers transparency and 100% renewable electricity.

The electricity they supply is backed by REGO's so they can prove that it has been generated from green sources. On their site they still state that 'all our gas is responsibly sourced to minimise environmental impact' which reflected that they offset the carbon created from the fossil fuel gas their customers used. They currently do not offer carbon offsetting for their gas.

Goto Energy review

Goto was included in our review of the best energy companies where I highlighted the best suppliers in the UK who have proven customer support as well as reasonable pricing. They're an energy company that offers real UK phone support (0800 056 4843 or 01304 279 051) which makes them more attractive to more mature customers.

You can switch to them via an energy comparison site and direct with them via their website and the quotes you will get will be the same. At the time of this review they quoted £78.96 a month for their GOTO Standard Variable Tariff and £79.75 for their 12 month fixed rate In Control Green Dec 2021 V5.

Their current pricing puts them in the top 20 cheapest energy deals which means they are about £6 a month more expensive than the current cheapest tariff. To put that into context the most expensive deal on the market is about £35 a month more expensive. Sensible sustainable pricing means that they'll avoid the cash flow problems of other smaller providers where they competed solely on price.

I reached out to Goto Energy and asked them about the gas they supply as they state that 'our gas is responsibly sourced to minimise environmental impact' but does not make it clear whether they carbon offset the carbon produced by burning gas. I did get an initial reply from customer service manager Sophie Tozer who forwarded my email onto the relevant department.

I did get a reply from customer services advisor Summer Smith who confirmed that their gas was sourced from socially and environmentally conscious companies. So no carbon neutral gas but it does seem that (although however vague) they try to minimise the environmental impact by being more thoughtful about who they source the gas they supply to customers from.

You’re absolutely right that our gas is responsibly sourced to help our customers minimise their environmental impact. In fact, we source our gas from socially- and environmentally-conscious companies which helps us and our customers limit harm to the environment.

Goto Energy tariffs

So how do Goto Energy's prices compare to the rest of the market? The short answer is that the cost of their tariffs are reasonable, cheaper than most of the market but not the overall lowest prices you can get. If you are just looking for the best deal you can get then take a look at our regularly updatedbest electricity and gas deals on the market.

At the time of writing their dual fuel tariffs would make the average UK gas and electric bill around £78-80 a month where the absolute lowest price is around £72-74. Compare that to the current average price for a similar fuel deal at around £93-94 then Goto does offer good market value.

Both tariffs include 100% renewable electricity which means they source from wind, hydro and solar. If you are looking for a totally green energy supplier then choose one that offers 100% green gas and electricity or one that offer 100% carbon offset for their gas or includes a percentage of green gas into their mix.

Date Tariff Name Electricity daily standing charge Electricity pence per KWh Gas daily standing charge Gas pence per KWh
December 2020 GOTO Standard Variable Tariff 24.4340 14.2125 26.0033 2.6901
December 2020 In Control Green Dec 2021 V5 24.4500 15.6570 24.4500 2.4430

GOTO Standard Variable Tariff

The standard variable tariff would cost £78.96 a month or £947.50 over the course of a year for the average UK home paying by direct debit. Their variable rate has no early exit fees as do most variable tariffs but it is not fixed so the unit rate can go up as well as down.

In Control Green Dec 2021 V5

They also offer a 12 month fix with their 'In Control Green Dec 2021 V5' tariff which fixes the kWh rates and standing charges for a year. On this tariff a typical home would pay £79.75 a month or about £957 over the 12 month tariff period.

Goto's fixed price deal is not much different in price compared to their variable rate but you do have to commit to staying with them for 12 months unless you pay the £40 per fuel early exit fee. Fixed price energy is becoming more popular as it offers price security for up to 3 years. Your essentially buying your gas and electricity at the current price so you know how much you are going to be paying for each unit of gas and electricity that you use.