Average gas and electricity bill for a 1 bed flat

Based on domestic energy prices in 2020 the average monthly dual fuel (electricity and gas) energy bill for a 1 bed flat is £40 to £65 assuming 1 adult occupation. If there are 2 adults in a one bedroom flat then the average energy costs are between £46 and £73.

If you have a different sized flat or house you can find out about the cost of the average electric bill and how much energy a property of similar size to your own would use.

For a single person living in a flat with a gas and electric supply you should be paying £15 to £28 for gas and expect to be paying between £25 to £37 on electric.

A single adult occupying a one bedroomed flat would expect to be using 1,800 kWh of electricity and 6,000 kWh of gas annually. This presumes you are not on an Economy 7 tariff, if you are then you can find out below how much your bill would be if you are in a 1 bed flat with no gas and using electric storage heaters and a hot water immersion tank.

The figures used to calculate the average bill costs were based on Ofgems energy usage figures in kWh's. Prices were calculated using the cheapest and most expensive supplier based on Energy Helpline's price comparison site. It was assumed you'd be paying by direct debit to get the best energy deals.

Using real energy quotes gives you a more realistic figure for how much you would be expecting to pay for a flat your size. If you are towards the higher end of our figures it could be that you are on a more expensive tariff and you could save by switching to a cheaper energy supplier.

Some flats are electric only so rely on an electric immersion heater to heat their water and electric storage heaters that generally use cheaper rate Economy 7 to heat up the radiators at night and release the heat during the day. If you are on electricity only for heating and hot water then you'll want to see our report where we compare the electricity prices of suppliers to see who offers the best electric only deals.

energy switching tip The gas and electrcity costs for a 1 bed flat is £40 to £65 per month. A 1 bed flat with 2 adult occupants will range from £46 and £73 a month.

You can compare energy yourself to get an exact figure and see how much you could be saving by switching.

We found that E.ON was the cheapest with their 'Fix 1 Year Exclusive March 2020' at £40 a month whereas ScottishPower's 'Help Beat Cancer Fix and Save April 2022 Online v2' cost £65 a month for the same amount of gas and electricity used.

Average gas and electricity bill for a 1 bed flat with 2 adults

For two adults living in a 1 bed flat you can expect to pay slightly more on your energy bills due to the increased use of hot water and use of heavy load appliances such as tumble dryers and washing machines.

Average gas and electric usage with 2 adult occupants increases your monthly energy bill slightly to between £46 and £73 depending on how expensive your current tariff is. As you can see from the price range you could be paying over a third more (37%) then you need to and do so without reducing your energy usage.

Two adults occupying a one bed flat typically have an annual energy usage of 2,200 kWh for electric and 6,700 kWh for gas. This works out at between £16 to £30 a month for the gas component of your bill and £29 to £43 electricity a month.

The difference in cost to consumers is due to the range of energy tariffs available from energy companies for you to switch to. We found that the ScottishPower 'Help Beat Cancer Fix and Save April 2022 Online v2' tariff was the most expensive at £73 a month whereas you would only be paying £46 if you were an E.ON customer on their 'Fix 1 Year Exclusive March 2020' tariff available through EnergyHelpline.

Average electricity bill for a 1 bed flat with no gas

For a low energy user, typically a single adult in a 1 bed flat using 2,400 kWh a year you would expect an electricity bill ranging from £29 to £43 monthly depending on whether you are on an expensive or cheap energy deal. Electricity prices vary greatly depending which electricity supplier you use. Apart from a few decent deals most of the tariffs from the Big Six energy providers are more expensive.

A larger flat or slightly heavier energy usage household using 4,200 kWh a year could be paying £46 to £67 a month. A heavy energy user or large flat could be using 7,100 kWh of electricity per annum costing £73 to £106 every month.

energy switching tip An electric bill for a small 1 bed flat not using gas is £29 to £43 per month, £46 to £67 a month for a medium energy user an £73 and £106 a month for a high energy usage bill.

Energy usage for flats that are not on mains gas and instead use the dual peak and off peak Economy 7 electricity tariffs. Rather than paying a flat price per kWh for electricity you have a cheaper night or off peak price but a more expensive peak daytime price per kWh.

Many flats are on Economy 7 as they are not connected to mains gas and so rely on an electric immersion heater for hot water and night storage heaters. You are only going to benefit from being on an E7 tariff if you make use of the usually 7 hour nightly off peak tariff to heat your water and storage heaters.

Energy comparison sites base there quotes on Economy 7 customers using 58% of their total energy usage in the day peak period and 42% during the cheaper nighttime off peak period.

Cheap economy 7 tariff

From our comparison you can see that depending on the supplier you are with you could be paying a lot more than you need to. We found that whilst Scottish Power were charging 21.307p per kWh on their day rate Together Energy were only charging 12.919p per kWh.

The Green Together Fixed April21 v2 tariff from Together Energy was also cheaper on their night off peak tariff charging 8.664p per kWk compared to 8.950p per kWh on the Help Beat Cancer Fix and Save April 2022 Online v2 tariff from Scottish Power.

The difference in price between Scottish Power and Together Energy for a person living in a small 1 bedroom flat meant that you could save £14 a month. For a larger flat with 1 or 2 bedrooms and 2 adults the saving could be as much as £33 a month.

An economy 7 tariff with British Gas, Eon, EDF or Scottish Power will generally be far more expensive. You should do an energy comparison to see what the cheapest tariff is for your particular usage habits in order to lower your electricity bills.